Milla Blazek – Graphic design
Based in Copenhagen /


Can a variable font that responds on people (in puplic space) make them pause, wonder or even laugh?

This project reflects upon how type and variable fonts can be used in the urban space to make people pause or even stop up and wonder. If the viewer can be a bit provoked or laugh – When this project worked out. It examins whether interactive text can be used to influence people's behavior.

The vaiable font works together with a camera. So, the closer the viewer's eyes come to the camera – the more the text starts to move. The font is coded to respond to the distance between the viewers eyes and nose.

The font is drawn in Glyphs and used and coded in p5.js




(01)     The font itself without interaction.  
(02)     The font when people start ineract. 

Overview of the different steps of the variable font.